Have you ever had a situation in life where it felt like everything was mounting up on you, and you felt like you were about to hit breaking point? Or maybe you’re going through this right now? This might be a big sign that you need to start consciously slowing down, for your health, happiness and sanity!
But you’re not alone. I had a bit of a meltdown a few years ago that showed me I needed to slow down. I had shared my energy across so many things over those past couple of months that I felt like I hardly had any energy left for myself, and I was completely out of sync. Little things were irritating me, I was clenching and grinding my teeth a lot (without even realising), I was constantly feeling stressed and I had now managed to manifest a number of things to go wrong in my life. I also started bumping into things A LOT and having things fall on me… Like, seriously. Bruises everywhere (which can also be a nutrient deficiency from too much stress, but also definitely from smacking into the corner of the bed 10 x a day). It seemed like nothing could go right and I had so many people expecting things of me; I had a teensy bit of a meltdown.
I spent the next day taking some time out, drinking chamomile tea and listening to chill out music outside at home. I honestly felt a thousand times better and came to the conclusion that I just needed to slow down in every aspect of my life. To add a little irony to the situation, I had also just done a weights session on my legs the day before so I couldn’t really move fast with my sore legs anyway.
Whether you are feeling like you have reached breaking point or whether you are just feeling a bit stressed out for whatever reason, here are 10 ways to slow yourself down and reduce stress in your life:
Do a leg weights session so you can’t move as fast for the next 3 days. I’m only kind of kidding. But seriously, exercising really helps you to cope better when there’s a lot going on in your life #endorphins. Mix things up with cardio, strength training and gentle exercises like walking & stretching.
Make a mental note to catch yourself rushing, and slow yourself down in every area of life possible. Talking fast? Slow it down. Gulping your food down? Slow down & chew more. Walking 1,000 miles an hour or speeding in the car? Slooooow down. You’ll eventually catch on and slow down overall, but remember that rushing essentially tells your body that it needs to switch on that stress response.
Get out of bed 15 minutes earlier. That’s all. Imagine what an extra 15 minutes would do for you every morning? I bet you’ll start the day feeling less rushed and more calm.
Then scribble off anything that is not essential. Honestly, I think it’s the gigantic to-do lists we have on ourselves that makes us feel like we’re constantly in a rush to get everything done. Take unnecessary things off the list, or prioritise them and schedule them out so you KNOW it’s going to get done, but it doesn’t all have to be done all in the same day.
Are you replaying stressful scenarios over & over in your mind? Are you re-living encounters with people, analysing everything that each person said & trying to work out what they meant when they said ‘XYZ’? Try to catch yourself in those moments, and imagine you’re plucking that thought up out of thin air and throwing it away. You don’t need that negativity weighing you down, worrying doesn’t solve the situation. Taking a break from that situation completely and then coming back to it once you’re feeling much more balanced will likely end up with you just ‘knowing’ exactly what to do, or realising that you don’t even need to bother worrying about it anymore.
(But wait until you’ve finished reading this puh-lease).
Did you know that staring at screens and scrolling day in day out triggers the release of cortisol & noradrenaline (norepinephrine) - aka, stress hormones? When we’re staring at screens, we’re constantly taking in more information - and often at a fast rate. This is stressing our body out. Not to mention scrolling through your Facebook feed and seeing that annoying post from that person who’s been grinding your gears [Input stress/irritability]. No thanks! Put the phone d.o.w.n.
Drink a cup of organic chamomile tea before bed. This helps to slow your mind down, reduce anxiety and is great for the gut - which needs a little lovin’ when we’re constantly ‘go-go-go’. And on that note, skip the coffee! Nothing is going to make you move in fast forward like coffee. You and your adrenals don’t need that right now. Opt for a low caffeine alternative like green tea or a matcha latte. These contain L-Theanine - an amino acid that boosts GABA (our calming brain chemical), dopamine & serotonin and increases alpha brain waves (the kind we get when we are super relaxed), giving you all the warm fuzzy feelings of less stress and anxiety, without inducing drowsiness.
With each meal, remove all distractions and focus solely on eating your food. Don’t worry about the things that have been happening that day, this is the time for ‘rest & digest’. Taste the flavours, eat slowly and chew well. Consider where each ingredient has come from and how they got to your plate. Remember to enjoy each mouthful and eat slowly.
Talking about being in the present moment, next time you’re outside going for a walk or going to the beach, try to notice 5 things that you love around you. Really make a point of looking for 5 things. Is it the birds singing, the flowers, the smell of the ocean, the warm sun on your skin, or is it the cool breeze, the fresh air? This is something you can do at anytime, without anyone else even knowing. But it brings you back into the moment, which is so important for slowing down.
And if all else fails...
Deep breaths is a handy hack to switch the nervous system out of fight or flight, and into rest & digest. Breathe in slowly for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, breathe out for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, and repeat. Do this 3 times whenever you’re in an overwhelmed state.
Start making ‘The Slow Life’ your motto. Try these tips to bring balance back into your life and start enjoying more energy, motivation and less stress. Give this a try and let me know how you go.
Jacqui xx
P.S: Have you downloaded my freebie: 5 High Protein Recipes (30g+ per serve)? Click below to grab your copy! xx